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What Good Is Grace When Their Boot Is on Your Neck?
Grace might not bring the kind of news we want to hear, but it’s good news nonetheless
The other day, I wrote about the ‘good news’ that we are redeemed (‘made okay’) at the core of our being, not through what we do but by who we are as an integral part of creation from birth (as embodied through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, of course — but not everybody is into this narrative, which is fine).
If I have my theology right (again, I’m a total rookie here), God — acting in, through, and as Jesus — died to the law. Jesus turned God from this booming force in the clouds into a broken and busted peasant on a cross looking out from our perspective.
As Lutheran Pastor, Nadia Bolz Weber writes in her (incredible) book, Accidental Saints…
It feels like a strange and abstract thing to say. “Jesus died for your sins.” And I’ve squandered plenty of ink arguing against the notion that God had to kill Jesus because we were bad. But when Caitlin said that Jesus died for our sins, including that one, I was reminded again that there is nothing we have done that God cannot redeem. Small betrayals, large infractions, minor offenses. All of it.
Some would say that instead of the cross being about Jesus…