Be chosen
They say that we must “choose ourselves.” This sounds great, in theory… Sometimes, on our good days, it’s even possible. But if I’ll be honest, it’s far easier said than done. That’s because we know ourselves better than anyone. I was with me (I know, so meta) when I thought, did, and said those things. How can I choose myself (aka ‘love myself’) when I know how much I’ve failed and how horrible of a human I can sometimes be? I look around and it looks like everyone else is without the same interior stains and sprains that I have. How can we ‘choose ourselves’ when our mental chatter is so full of self-judgment? Well, let me ask… What if love or chosenness or belovedness or worth (or whatever you want to call it) didn’t have to be mustered up from within? What if it could be imputed to us from an unending Divine Source? What if this Divine subject knew us more than we know ourselves in the lowest of our lows — what if She was actually closer than flesh during those moments? And what if His love grew stronger during them? What if your chosenness was untouchable and safe from the whims of your self-judgment? Yeah… That would be the stuff. And it’s true. It’s absolutely completely true.
What if your chosenness was untouchable and safe from the whims of your self-judgment?